Jewelry with animals, Boucheron

Boucheron loves animals. This famous Parisian Jewelry house has a large collection of the most imaginary pieces of jewelry with animals as their inspiration. As I am an animal lover, a jewelry lover and I adore humor in jewelry, this just tickles my senses.


Just feast your eyes on this exquisite jewelry by Boucheron with animal taking the leading role as an inspiration. What would your favorite piece be if money was no option. Although a huge horse lover, I would go for the monkey or the elephant, just because they are even more unusual and just amazing.

Boucheron animals Flamingo

Flamingo Ring, Boucheron


Boucheron animals Giraffe

 Giraffe Ring, Boucheron

Boucheron animals ladyhawk

Lady Hawk ring, Boucheron



Boucheron animals turtle Honu

Turtle Ring with Tigre eye, Boucheron


Boucheron animal Cameleon

Cameleon Ring, comes with beautiful hoop earrings as well, Boucheron

 Boucheron animal guffo

Adorable little panda,Boucheron

Boucheron animal tiger

A roaring tigre on your finger, why not?! Boucheron

Boucheron animal swans

Elegant swans, this ring is a beauty on your fingers, it really is! Boucheron 


Boucheron Animal Parrot

A cute little parrot, making lots of noise as a loud bird should! Boucheron


Boucheron animal monkey

Hanu the monkey, cheeky and playful: Boucheron
Boucheron animal owl

Beautiful owl, Boucheron


Boucheron ring elephant

The Elephant ring that I so adore, Boucheron

Boucheron jewelry ring horse

Horse ring, Boucheron


Boucheron Jewelry 21

How can I describe the elegance of these pieces, the swans already talk for themselves. Boucheron


Boucheron jewelry hedgehoc
This cute little hedgehog just catches your eye in red gold. So pretty! Boucheron



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