Meet Morphée Joaillerie, a jeweler that makes dreams come true!

| Esther Ligthart | Brands & Designers

One of my delights in writing this blog is encountering the men and women that create jewelry. Most of them are very passionate about their jewelry. And some of them leave such pleasurable impression, they touch you with their grace and kindness and sense of humor. Such was the case with Pamela Hastry who founded Morphée Joaillerie very recently.

True beauty in gems 

She worked for several companies before founding her own and is also a certified gemologist. Once you've seen in real life how gemstones are found and see their natural beauty, you will even more be able to appreciate what some designers can do with that. How they are able to translate this piece of nature into something even more beautiful. The first thing I saw of Morphée Joaillerie, was the little blue bird. As a lover of jewelry that represents animals I fell in love with this poetic little swallow. 

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This little beauty is called; The Flight


Morphée Joaillerie designs your story

We had a lovely conversation and she told me more about her design process. This is what she loves most. To make that one off, that custom made design, that tells the story of the woman (or man, or couple) that sits in front of her. Think just how lovely it would be to have her designing something especially for you, that tells your story! Not only am I fan of her work and designs, but it is on my wish list to one day be able to afford to let her design something for me. If you are lucky enough to be able to afford that already, then plan that trip to Paris soon! :-)

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Pamela Hastry – Owner and Artistic Director of Morphée Joaillerie

The Creative Design Process

Known as the God of dreams in Greek mythology, Morphée has witnessed precious moments, impalpable dreams and whispered wishes for millennia’s. All ephemeral until this day. As a desire to materialize these moments, Morphée Joaillerie transforms shapes and materializes precious moments and dreams into an everlasting jewel, creating limited edition collections of jeweled pieces, but also custom made one-offs.

How Pamela Hastry dreams her designs

"Designing jewelry is very much like day-dreaming", says Pamela Hastry, owner and artistic director of Morphée Joaillerie." They are, in fact, dreams transformed into reality, heightened by the use of gold and precious stones".

The collections she designs are inspired by life and peoples’ stories, as a witness of a memorable moment, and as precious as the materials of which they are made, jewels accompany the joys of mankind. A piece of jewelry is already something very special, but it only truly becomes precious when it stirs emotion and tells a story which is unique to that particular piece. Preciousness does not only come from the rarity of the stones, or the quality of the carat of the gold ; it comes from the expression of the concept it communicates and the emotions it evokes to the person wearing the jewelry.

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Beautiful details on this constellations of stars

How Morphée Joaillerie thinks that everything is in detail

This is why the collections are a witness to rites of passage, signs of affection, or other small gestures which we forget can have an enormous symbolic impact in our lives. "It is my testimony, the one of an artist looking into people’s lives, that is represented in the collections, however my greatest satisfaction comes from designing custom made pieces" says Pamela Hastry.

The creative process behind exclusive made-to-order creations, is the fruit of highly interpretative skills and a talent for the mastery of the craftsmanship. Everything is in the details, it’s always the small things, that unleashes the creativity behind the idea for a ring for example, or the finishing touch which will make the jewel extremely comfortable or visually strong.

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Morphée Joaillerie does everything a little different. I just love this ring creating a story on the whole hand.

Coffee stains and crocos safran

"I love getting to know my customers because it is when we talk in a casual manner around a cup of coffee that I discover what sort of jewellery they might like.  For example, to discover that a couple first met through an incident in a café gave way to the idea of black and brown diamond *coffee-stain* cufflinks. Or a woman who enjoyed wearing lilac and beige colors together, often dissaproved of by her friends, developped a statement ring of a crocus safran, the world’s most expensive flower, that natural bears this color combination".

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The Flight worn ...I am completely in love, of course :-)

Pamela's huge creativity and sensibility

Pamela’s creativity will see connections or relationships where others have not, but this doesn’t happen immediatly. A first encounter needs to simmer down, discussions on travels, favorite foods, passions and other topics passively incubate in her mind. Half-consciously, almost like a dream, her mind wanders and develops mental visions and visual concepts that all of a sudden become so vivid. It is easy to transcribe onto paper, as if each curve of every pencil stroke had already been carefully thought out, taking into considuration the weight, the feel, the comfort, the colors and materials that should be used. It is the build on the experience achieved with the thousands of pieces she has already created in her short career, that makes it look so effortless.

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Un papillon and pearls.

The first and second encounter

A second encounter with the customer allows the design to be refined through the presentation, discussions and feed back Pamela will obtain from the initial drawings, permitting modifications or sometimes radical transformations to ensure her client’s satisfaction. Her quest for perfection even then is not yet over, as she will surveil the whole production process with her workshop to ensure the technical part, ergonomics, volume, aesthetics and finishing touches of each piece.  The translation of a dream into an object can only be achieved thanks to the know-how of the best artisans.

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On the website you will find these lovely images. It gives you a great idea of how it would look on you. 

And then: the moment of truth!

Then, there it is, the finished piece, nesteled in between two grey pillows in a silver box, awaiting to be presented to it’s owner. The moment of truth that the designer longs for and fears at the same time, like an actor before going on stage. The jewel is the container of stories which conceal secrets often only truly known by the customer, and to know if it has been succesfully transcribed is the moment Pamela awaits. It is revealed by the customer’s facial expressions as the box opens, as a form of escapism into their fondest thoughts and memories as it sketches a smile on their face at each sight of this jeweled piece. The quest for perfection achieved and the greatest satisfaction obtained… until the next time.

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You can check out more about Morphée Joaillerie on the website of the company: It is worth the visit. The website is really beautiful. If you have any questions you can ask them trough the comments here below or send an e-mail to Bizzita. I will take care of answering them.


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