Simone Favarin and his transepochal jewelry concept

Simone Favarin is a jewelry designer that stands out of the crowd. Why? Obviously, his work is gorgeous. From the concept to the actual jewel, it just is beautiful. But that is true for many brands. What makes Simone stand out is the mindful, intellectual approach in his work. And there is more, Simone Favarin and Gieffe Patrimoni have started an alliance together in order to create new possibilities in a world full of challenges.

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There are many beautiful brands and designers in the world, but Simone takes the story, the thought behind his jewelry, a very big step further. This and more stood out for me, but let’s start with that exclusive and rather unique collaboration between Gieffe Patrimoni and Favarin. 

A Unique Collaboration between Gieffe Patrimoni and Favarin

Simone shares immediately more about this extraordinary collaboration:’’ In the "luxury" and "real estate" sector, this new alliance was born between two excellences of the Italian and Piedmont territory: Gieffe Patrimoni Real Estate Advisor by Gerardo Festa and my exclusive jewels.

The COVID-19 emergency was strongly felt in my home country, Italy. Luckily, nor I, nor my loved ones were affected by the health emergency that it created. 

In my work life, not much has changed. I always embraced ‘’smart work’’. It just changed a part of my work, but I understood the opportunity to immediately switch to online meetings on my website. I don't have a physical showroom. Usually, I meet my clients in the privacy of their homes. It creates a more intimate setting as they are more comfortable talking about their lives in a place they know. 

This, of course, was and it is impossible under a pandemic, so I chose Cisco as a technology partner, and those who want to make an appointment can book a video call that is performed with this secure technology, in which the client doesn't lose video contact. You have almost the same intimacy as to be in the same place.

It did feel like an artistic approach and offered me the opportunity to really listening to the client. 

‘’In this period the idea of a partnership between me and Gieffe Patrimoni of Mr. Gerardo Festa was born. Gieffe Patrimoni Real Estate Advisor is a strategic partner in the management and development of real estate properties. The buyer will be able to commission a customized work in "single copy" included in the purchase of the property at a special price’’.

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Courtesy of Gieffe Patrimoni, from their portfolio

Gieffe Patrimoni

I asked Simone; ‘’ I think that collabs are going to be one of the ways of the future of brands and designers. These collabs can be between different jewelry brands but also a little more out of the box. You have started such a collab with Gieffe Patrimoni. I love the idea of such an out of the box approach! Take us with you and tell us more about how this came to be! And how you are connected and, of course, what the collaboration is all about’’

Simone: ‘’I always try to think out of the box, and I love to mix things”.

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Courtesy of Gieffe Patrimoni, from their portfolio


Mr. Gerardo Festa is the CEO of Gieffe Patrimoni Real Estate Advisor. 

I've known Mr. Festa for a long time, and I highly respect him. Gieffe Patrimoni is a strategic partner in the management and development of real estate properties. An exemplary interpretation in a constantly changing world. They are all about these three words: NOW, NEW, NEXT’’. Born from experience in the residential and retail real estate sector, Gieffe Patrimoni Real Estate Advisor, today has offices in Turin, Milan, Rome, Alba, and London.

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Courtesy of Gieffe Patrimoni, from their portfolio

More about Gieffe Patrimoni:

Gieffe Patrimoni is a strategic partner in the management and development of real estate a clear interpretation in the world in constant change and a point of reference to choose all the opportunities. The real estate firm design strategies and methods aimed at creating value, providing high-quality services in real estate consulting and brokerage. Ensuring operational dynamism, flexibility, and speed of response to the market’s changes. Provide methodologies applied to the international market as a whole to meet every need.

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Courtesy of Gieffe Patrimoni, from their portfolio

Gieffe Patrimoni Real Estate Advisor follows the customers for all the types and sizes of properties from individual units to large building complex, industrial, and retail development properties.

The partnership focuses on real estate transactions concluded at one of the Gieffe Patrimoni studios. The new owners will have the opportunity to meet me and receive a jewel of their choice, tailored and possibly customized. The buyer will be able to commission a customized Jewel in "one of a kind copy" included in the purchase of the property at a special price.

Discover more about Gieffe Patrimoni Real Estate Advisor:

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Courtesy of Gieffe Patrimoni, from their portfolio

Simone Favarin Jewelry

Simone lives near Torino and works with the great goldsmiths in Turin and Valenza, which is the small town I once lived too and the epicenter of artisanal Italian jewelry making. 

He has a collection of jewelry on his website, but he also loves creating bespoke jewelry. More about that later, but let’s start with his description of how he thinks about jewelry. I promise you; you will understand immediately why I am so intrigued by his intellectual and mindful approach!

Simone answers my question on how he thinks about jewelry with these words; I think of jewelry as a symbol of knowledge and power. Conceptually, both are precious symbols. If I break it all down, I see jewelry as the sort of temporal door that guards time. It’s, in a way, an intimate diary at times. Each incision in a ring, for example, isn’t just a design idea or a psychological approach of form but should be seen as an identifying ideogram. Do you see? I promised you that Simone Favarin has a unique view on jewelry! :-)

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How it all started

Jewelry may not have been the obvious choice for Simone Favarin, but when you learn more about his childhood and early years, it becomes obvious how he came to be the treasured jewelry designer we know today. 

Simone: "I was a child that was both eclectic and extremely creative. At eight years old, I learned Michael Jackson's Thriller choreography by heart. A fun fact is that my whole family descends from dance teachers! So, they decided to take me to an audition. At 14, I became an Italian champion, multiple regional champions, and master. I danced until the age of 18, but an injury put a hold on my international career''.

After the dance

Simone was forced to stop dancing at such a high level. But a creative mind will always find and explore other routes to express the creative brain and the inner passions of the soul. While Simone studied graphic design and typography, he also started to study music and play the piano which he later switched to classical guitar.

Simone says: ‘’My passion for design and jewelry began around the same time. But It was my growing passion for technology that made me enroll in the European Design Institute. Which led to a diploma in digital & virtual design’’. 

In fact, his career started in this field and led to winning over 14 awards! A huge accomplishment.

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Simone had followed his father’s before. After all, he gained his diploma in typography, just as his father did. And it was once again his father who sparked his interest in jewelry. ‘’My father sold jewelry and I just became fascinated and passionate to the point where I started to see so many things come together. The material, links, and even text! It was a small step from that point to opening the curtains and discover the world of structure and sculpture in the goldsmith’s art field. Diving in, I started reading and gaining information through all kinds of media. Playing with everything I learned and experiencing the natural aptitude within me for bringing the diversity of arts together’’.

Simone, who worked also as an industrial designer, became more interested in 3D printing, to the point where he created sometimes things for friends using this technique. Obviously, he explored this technique further in his jewelry design endeavors.

‘’I had explored so many fields before my adventure in the jewelry industry took off’’! 

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From jewelry passion to jewelry profession

‘’I decided to turn it into a business, and, once again, I turned to education and attended an academy in Turin, the “E.G. Ghirardi" Foundation Directed by Carlo Mora. Founded in 1904, is the first Italian school dedicated to jewelry making that teaches solid technical and professional skills. Once started, I dived in deep. Feeling and feeding a deep fascination for both jewelry and gems. I started to explore everything’’. 

Simone: ‘’You know, I think and feel that ornaments are a natural evolution in my world. It all comes together. The sophisticated technology preludes great knowledge—the knowledge also of art and the human soul’’.

Transepochal Jewelry

Simone prides himself on not following fashion when it comes to designing his jewelry collection. "If you study the past also on a geopolitical level, you quickly learn that: the history of the world is also the history of desire. And money is there as a currency to satisfy that desire’’.

Simone continues: ‘’Fashion is contemporary. It's always changing. Jewelry, in some cases, can be a medium for a higher meaning. I will explain that better. But it's perhaps thanks to my Italian roots that I have a natural feeling for form. 

A philosophy on not following fashion follows as Simone says; ‘’When I think of jewelry, I think of the meaning, and not just of an aesthetic ornament. Aesthetics, much like fashion, are slaves of a period. I think of forms that are contemporary now as in a thousand years’’.

For this reason, I don't think about collections or trends. I try to work for archetypes, which are much more precious and profound, as they have been within us for thousands of years. I take ancient techniques. For example, should anyone place my Byzantine rosary in a museum of ancient art, aesthetically, she or he would not know how to date it. It does not just follow an aesthetic form but encloses an archetype that gives our mind the image of its value’’. I see my jewelry as transepochal jewelry’’.

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Psychology and Jewelry

Simone: ''I also studied neurobiology, and I am passionate about psychology of interpersonal motivational systems. I create my jewel with my client, whom I call the custodian. Since a jewel is handed down, nobody ever really owns it. Most of my work (if you can call it that) is listening and empathizing with the soul I speak with. I listen to the soul’s scale of values of my client: what does that jewel mean to you, why do you want this, how do you think it can help you? ‘’

Simone, understanding my interest in psychology and motivation, dives into the matter with clear enthusiasm: ‘’A Solitaire is not just a white gold ring with a diamond; it is the key to knowing if another person wants you for a lifetime’’.  ‘’If we read the archaeology of the mind written by Panksepp, it becomes easier to understand that every human being moves for a real or presumed goal.

Each goal, if satisfied, will have a reaction (or not). My job is to transform the soul or a complex thought into a form that concentrates it.  As if we had a star in our hand. If you satisfy this, the price becomes irrelevant’’.

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The future: selling through augmented and virtual reality?

I don't really have any projects to show as they are created on the client request, so my strategy was to convert the physical encounter with the one-to-one virtual meeting that can be done anywhere the world also by phone or augmented reality. Distant, but close.

The rest of the process remained the same. I don't have the usual delivery times for a piece, maybe it takes months to be perfect as I understand it, but I share every part with them and pass through messaging, photos, and videos. I like customer care, and I feel that my clients are part of the creation as much as possible. I think that the future will be in this direction with the improvement of Virtual Reality technologies.

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I asked Simone: ‘’What can you tell me about the Hathor ring? What is the idea behind it, and what does it make so special?’’

Simone loved this question: ‘’What a beautiful and complex question at the same time! The Hathor Ring or N°0 project was born when I was in the academy years ago. There was a call for participation in a project for a competition. The challenge was combining the Egyptian references of Giuseppe Verdi's Aida to ancient Egypt.

I loved this challenge and I was smitten as I started looking for symbols. I wanted a powerful archetype, and I chose the goddess of joy and beauty Hathor. Hathor (from the original Egyptian: ḥwt-ḥr; which means House of Horus, Hellenized Ἅθωρ, Hathor) is an Egyptian deity belonging to the religion of ancient Egypt. She is a goddess of joy, love, motherhood, and beauty’’. 

‘’Throughout Egyptian history, she was one of the most important and revered deities; her cult, of prehistoric and predynastic origins, extended from the Pharaonic court (considered the symbolic mother of the pharaohs) to the humblest classes. I worked on its archetype, I wanted a minimal form that crosses the times, but powerful. The most incredible thing is that my research on form psychology attracts people without them really knowing why as if it were inscribed in their DNA. A conceptual project, the strength is in the form, which seems simple, but requires and delicate balances. I arrived as a finalist in the competition. In fact, it is one of the Icon projects that I carry out in a limited series and generally on request’’.

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The Byzantine Ring

‘’The Byzantine faith is another most fascinating project of mine. The iconic project can be found in my shop with black diamonds in white gold. I love Byzantine art. I have been to Istanbul, however just living in Italy, it’s easy to have access to the most beautiful mosaics such as San Vitale in Ravenna or the Pala d'Oro in Venice. I went to those places to see the magnificence of the work-life. I spent hours, motionless studying forms, and dynamics.

The shape is unisex, and although it was conceived conceptually by men, the female audience really likes it’’.

The Saint Archangel Michael ring

‘’This is my most ambitious project! It took me almost two years just to study the subject and the research of the right materials! I wanted to create a little finger ring full of symbols and meanings

This is how the idea of ​​a ring that depicted the archangel Michael was born. I chose for his representation of San Michele Arcangelo’s work from 1635 by Guido Reni, located in Rome, Church of Santa Maria Immacolata Concezione. I also used the one to model the archangel, behind it is the verses of the Preci Leonine of 1884, which reports the text:

"... Sancte Míchaël Archángele,

defénde nos in praélio;

contra nequítiam et insídias diaboli esto præsídium. ... "

"... St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the fight;

be our help against the evil and the pitfalls of the devil. ... "

Above the angel, a diamond inscribed in the sun, which is the light of knowledge. The architecture of the ring if on a Byzantine basis. Above all, I quoted Kant in the Critique of Practical Reason "the starry sky above me, the moral law in me" of 1788 with a Dominican Blue Amber.

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What can we expect from Favarin jewelry in the future? 

I want to expand my art in Europe and confront new ideas. I am particularly fascinated by Gassan's 121 diamonds. I could evaluate something with those fantastic gems, but maybe I should talk to him first :) and I would also like to deepen my studies on ancient jewelry.

Jewelry is a Medium 

‘’I think a jewel is a medium, as I am a medium. I have no idea where my creativity starts. Sometimes something guides me in form; I simply see it at some point. This energy could have different names. I call it energy, others call it God, soul, creativity. 

I am, as Gustavo Rol said, a gutter where water passes. So are the jewels for me. The real jewels are those that are handed down, they are transepochal as they go beyond the concept of time and space as they are. They do not belong to us; they allow us to know each other''.


One of the things I believe have always been important is the story. Story behind a designer, story behind a project, a brand, an object. Today, storytelling has become a marketing term, but one that rightfully gains a lot of attention. 

What I love about Simone Favarin’s jewelry is his story. What I also love is his willingness, his open-mindedness to really listen to the client. For a designer, it’s a fine line sometimes to do bespoke work. There is all that crazy, intense, passionate involvement in the creativity of the designer, often including the strong wish to express themselves, even at the cost of the client. This isn’t all bad. In fact, when someone hires an architect or an artist, it’s not like hiring a plumber; you hire them for their input, ideas, fantasy, their ability to create something tangible by listening to their clients. But Simone takes it a step further and almost shows something that I would like to call intelligent empathy. 

He filled his life and his background with so many different things and he brings all that to the table in his designs and work. That is a treasure that I personally see as incredibly valuable. The fact that he actively works with Gieffe Patrimoni shows me that he understands the need for cross-collaboration. 

How one strengthens the other. Simone Favarin is this magnificent intelligent person who creates, in my opinion, one of the most intellectual mindful jewelry out there. Work with Simone and open your world! 


Instagram: @favarinjewels

As Byzantine shop online:



Instagram: @gieffepatrimoni


Jewelry Photo © Alessandra CM Clerici /

Model: Caterina Coggiola /


Comments (1)

  • TonyVT Skarredghost

    TonyVT Skarredghost

    • 19 July 2020 at 07:14
    • #

    I love those jewels! And as someone with the passion for virtual reality, I think that he's right in investigating the use of AR and VR to sell his jewels


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