Jewelry Talks in the Garden with Dogs - part 1

| Esther Ligthart | News & Stories

From Sweden to the Netherlands with love. This is a new and returning item on I am so excited to exchange letters about life, dogs, and jewelry with one of the most lovely people from the jewelry industry. And certainly one of the most appreciated jewelry writers I know! Kina Andersson and I love to chat about many things. Join us! 

Kina Andersson is a Swedish journalist with extensive knowledge of jewelry. We met a few years ago when both of us were hosted guests of the VicenzaOro show. We immediately got along! Both of us adored Modern Family and dogs. We started sharing photos of our dogs and stories about our lives and have been connected ever since. 

Kina Andersson 

Kina is a warm, kind, and knowledgeable person. Someone who is genuine and down to earth. In a world filled sometimes with rather big egos, she is like a breath of fresh air. Also, she truly loves jewelry.

We came up with the idea to exchange letters and publish these online. Short ones, easy to read. It was Kina who came up with the name Jewelry Talks in the Garden with Dogs. I loved it as it also reminded me a little about that series on Netflix with Jerry Seinfeld: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. A curious title for an entertaining series.

If you like to ask us to talk about something specific, please don't hesitate to let us know! 

I proudly present you:


From Kina to Esther:

''I've been thinking a lot about my grandmother, on my mother’s side, since I read your letter. Her name was – Ester.  Kind and fun, with an adorable smile and the most beautiful white hair.  

She was born in 1900 in Finland, lived through civil war world wars – and Spanish flu… 
I wonder what her advice would be to me, to us all, in these trying times. 
Not really a talker, she would probably just keep on doing what she was best at caring for others.  
I remembered her cameo brooch, sadly abandoned in my jewelry box, and asked my friend, master goldsmith, Suzanne Färnert, for advice (she is a master also when it comes to remaking old jewelry). She simply turned it into a pendant and I attached it to a pearl necklace (my mother’s actually). All of a sudden I have the coolest necklace – and one that reminds me of what is important in life, pandemic or not: Caring for each other. 
Do you by the way think there will be a particular type of jewelry we will remember/connect from /with this pandemic?''  
From Esther to Kina:
''Kina! What a beautiful story. I pictured your grandmother with her white Finnish hair and couldn't help to imagine her as almost a fairy godmother! 
I wonder if it is something that people simply didn't do in those days; talking about problems. They were being just practical and go on with life.
Today, we focus on our spiritual and mental well-being much more than back in those days. Perhaps though, people talked with friends and family, rather than with a therapist? My grandfather never talked with anyone about what he had been through during the war. Instead, everyone pretended they were moving on. Some more successfully than others. 
You asked me if there will be a particular kind of jewelry that we will perhaps want to remember this pandemic. I did write about that on my blog.
Yes, yes I do, Kina. 
Although it might not be a specific piece of jewelry but rather the symbolism behind it. Isn't jewelry also just a tangible emotion at times? Or a tangible memory? 
I believe that many will want to celebrate the moment we are free again. And others will want to have a pendant or ring that reminds them of the lessons learned during this pandemic. Symbolism and gratitude, celebration and reflection. It's all there. And I can't think of anything better than a jewel to kindly remind us of this. 
Having said that, do you remember when your interest in jewelry started? Was it a slow process or love at first sight?''
About Kina and Esther

Kina Andersson has extensive experience in covering various lifestyle topics such as design, fashion, and traveling. However, her most beloved subject is writing about jewelry & gems, a passion she cherishes since childhood.  
This Swedish lawyer turned into a journalist 25 years ago and is internationally known for her in-depth jewelry knowledge. Besides writing, Kina also loves tango, table tennis, and gardening.

Kina and Esther talk about jewelry lots but also share a mutual love for animals, especially dogs! They always love to share stories about Maskot, the Bedlington terrier, and Senna, the Catalan sheepdog. 

From Sweden to the Netherlands, this is Jewelry Talks in the Garden with Dogs!  






Comments (1)

  • N.Roy


    • 24 April 2021 at 13:58
    • #

    I really appreciate your research. These blogs are really amazing.


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