A chicken as a ring? Oh yes!

Sometimes, well ok, in my case quite often, you come across something that really makes your day. Could be many things, an unexpected smile from the person in the supermarket. A child that grabbes your hand. The colors in the sky orrr....a chicken ring. What? Oh yes, a chicken ring!

Gallina Pinomanna

I know...not everyone's choice, but what I admire also is the fact that somebody had the guts to produce this. I mean: creating this is an enormous investment in time and money. There is an idea, a concept, a dream behind all this: and I love that.  Pinomanna gioielli

Why Es, why?

This ring made me just giggle and I called my hubby and showed him the ring. He laughed and sighed too, hahaha...''Why do you like this so much, Es ?"', he asked me. Well, I responded, and then nothing...I wanted to explain but I could not find the right words.


Frida Kahlo, love her art! Watch by Chopard and grinning monkey by De Grisogono ( oh oh cute!!!)

Art triggers the heart

It is like art. You can tell a lot about the artist: what colors he used, what school he followed, what his style is. But in the end you are caught by something, not with your head, but with your heart. 


More delicate but ever so delightful jewelry by Tabbah

Dreams and fairytales

And to me this happens very often with jewelry that represents an animal. It is not just because I love animals. It goes further than that. I think it has to do with my profound love for imagination. For dreams and fairytales. Not the old fashioned fairytale which were, let's admit it, rather violent and scary, but the ones that make you wonder. That lift your spirit. That delight you!

Dreams N2-001

N2, who says that jewelry has to be expensive to be enjoyed. I think that the French company N2 les Nereides makes such fun jewelry, most of it doesn't cost more than 100 euro/ dollar

My guilty pleasure: film music whilst working out

It's why I listen to film music when I go to the gym. And it's why I adore Christmas. I am very much in touch with reality, but I cherish that side in me that reminds me of my childhood. It was during that period that I cycled to school and looked up to the sky one day. A dull grey sky with just one opening of bright blue. The sun peeped through that opening and I imagined myself cycling up in the air....through that gap in the sky and finding myself surrounded by a whole new world of fun, and clouds to jump on. And colors that I had never seen before and laughter and lightness. 


So...well yes, I have a young child that loves to watch movies and I adore them just as much. These are amongst my favorites and yes...I listen to these soundtracks on Spotify...:-)

Coping mechanisms that work

I have read enough during my life to understand that I was developing not only a beautiful fantasy, but that I had developed a coping mechanism probably at the same time. And that's what fairytales can be too. They give you space to breathe and dream and be happy, when things aren't so great. Most teenagers go through some troubles. Some more than others. 

Dreams Morphee

Morphée....gosh I love her jewelry.....


One great show (Netflix) is Mortified, where you see people reading out loud in a theatre in front of strangers, their awkward and funny and embarrassing moments from their diaries. It is hilarious, touching, sometimes really endearing and sometimes sad. I don't know how your teenage years were, mine were anything but simple. 


Utter fun! I find these soooo delightful! Would wear them all, but if I had to choose...pfff I wouldn't know which one to pick!

And that's why I love jewelry.....

However, fantasy and dreams, fairytales and movies...they bring a little sparkle to our hearts and lives. Art and jewelry can trigger that just as much. I think this is why I adore jewelry with animals so much and also: why I adore jewelry that shows humor. Pure joy !

Bizzita BirdsVanCleefArpelsringtop

Think of this...on your finger...doesn't it make you smile? Van Cleef & Arpels

Share your stories with me!

If you love to share why you love jewelry, or what kind of jewelry makes your heart beat a little faster...or even why you love fairytales, do not hesitate to do so! Either place a comment or write me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I am planning to do something nice with your stories in the future!


Stuff right out of fairytales! Beautiful little deer by Masters of Russia jewelry.



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