All About Amethyst

Amethyst is one of my favourite stones. I love the intense purple colour and I like it just as much combined with gold as with silver. If people choose this stone I always get the idea of them being a bit of a creative type, or a bit of fashionista. People that dare to be bold.


anello-tour-eiffelPasquale Bruni Le tour d'Eiffel 

Dare and play with color!

It just proves to me that you dare a little bit more and like something slightly different. In the Netherlands I encountered many people in shops asking for jewelry that should fit with *everything*. Such a pity! It is a long time ago that your nail polish should match with the one on your toes. Mix and match are nowadays key words and I think that trend will never pass as we do love more personality and more freedom in our way of dressing.

Dare and play!

Amthyst is found in rocks mostly. And all around the world. In Eastern Europe, but mostly in Brazil, Uruguay, Siberia and Mexico.



The Greek have a wonderful story about the origins of amethyst. A mortal guy insulted the God Dionysus one day. The God sworn revenge on the first person he would meet, so he created fierce tigers and waited. Amethyst was a young beautiful girl who had no clue about she was about to encounter. She was just on her way to pay her contributions to the Godess Diana. Amethyst was the first person Dionysus and his fierce tigers were meeting.

To protect the young girl, Diana quickly turned Amthyst in a statue of pure quartz and crystal. Dyonisus looked upon the beautiful but frozen statue of Amethist and he cried out loud, regretting his revenge. These tears were made of wine. The teardrops fell on the statue and it turned purple. This is how amethyst was born. What a story!

Pasquale B


A link is being made with tears of wine for a long time. Amethyst means litteraly: not drunken. So in many goblets they used amethist, this was to prevent to get the person drinking from it getting drunk. (In modern literature there is no proof of this actually working) It is easy to understand that it's also regarded as a stone that protects against other addictions. I am not a huge believer of crystal therapy or that stones have really some healing powers or protective ones, but of course this is up to you! I do like the symbolism and therefor it could still be a very good gift to someone who needs a little support.


ring amethist


Amethyst is a strong talisman with an unique symbolism. People think it could work as a purifier, clear thoughts in your head, support your meditation and own your addictions so you can work on it. It's also a talisman for the grieving and help you overcome trauma. It is giving you power and protects you. Maybe to you this is interesting and maybe this is reason enough to seek something that carries an amethyst to carry with you where ever you go.

pianegonda glitter drops ring


I think this stone it makes a wonderful gift to someone who moves home or leaves the country to live abroad. You see; amethyst is also a symbol against being homesick to your place of birth. Maybe that's appealing to me as I was born in the Netherlands but left my country twice to live abroad? Or because my brother Robert and sister Daphne still live abroad? And I miss them....:-) 


Did you know that amethist is:

  • Called Bisshop stone, because it was very popular with the various dignitaries of the Church.
  • Difficult to sell to Sicilians? I always encountered their refusal to even consider it. To them this colour is related to death. In fact in the Catholic Chuch purple is the colour worn during funerals and All Saints day.
  • Symbol for the zodiac signs of Pisces and Aqaurius in the Netherlands. In Italy however with Pisces and Leo.
  • Really own it's colour thanks to polution of iron and titanium.
  • When heated it turns yellow, then this stone is called citrine!




RINGS: Pasquale Bruni and Pianegonda.

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