3 wonderful jewelry brands you want to check out!

| Esther Ligthart

Every week I see a lot of news about jewelry. Furthermore, many brands contact me in order to inform me about the latest jewelry, trade show, anniversary and more. For this blog, I have taken three of those brands that stood out. For very different reasons. But I like to show them to you and hear what your thoughts are about them! Three jewelry brands, three very different jewelry brands...which one charms you most?


Award winning bracelet: A Little Chaos by Garavelli

Garavelli Jewelry from Valenza

Elisabetta and her brother Stefano run the Garavelli company today. But the company was founded in 1920 and is known in Valenza, where quality and craftsmanship is abundantly present, for their history, heritage and absolute perfect jewelry. But it’s not just within the jewelry producing industry that their small laboratory is well appreciated. They travel all through the year to meet with their (potential) clients: jewelers, from all over the globe, participating in all the great jewelry shows. That is a lot of traveling and lot of effort!


Elisabetta Molina and the winner bracelet:  A Little Chaos

A Little Chaos

They reached out earlier this week to show me this bracelet: A little Chaos. I took a moment to really observe the bracelet. The black finish has been obtained by using a new technique, but yet everything you see is 18kt gold. Here is, in short, the story of this award-winning bracelet:

‘’ We wanted to make a statement about life’’ Elisabetta said. And we also wanted to express our understanding of beauty, the choices, the peaks and the valleys, the paths in life we follow and finally; how we end up where we are today’’

My immediate thought was: that is quite a lot to capture in one piece of jewelry! But I love the approach and understand where they come from. As one who loves to hear stories that are true and someone who isn’t easily charmed by standard marketing babble, I appreciated the rest of what she told me. Elisabetta said that calling the bracelet The Wave seemed the most obvious choice for this particular bracelet. The form and the vision of life’s highs and lows are perfectly captured in that name.


Another beloved design from the Garavelli company: the face rings

But as they reflected a little more, they thought that life isn’t just highs and lows. And visions do not always take you straight to the goal you have set for yourself. Visions are wonderful in your mind. And then something happens and you end up taking a different path. For whatever reason. And when one looks back, it becomes clear how all the steps, especially those not predicted ones, lead to the work you created today. And sometimes this work is a beautiful piece of art or an experience that you can share with everyone. Something that connects us all.

Garavelli EarringsjewelryitalianvalenzaRings


In this case, the result of a wandering path is this bracelet. It stands not just for the aforementioned experiences but also for the uncertainty and the passion at the same time. To see the beauty of life and wanting to celebrate it, without forgetting about the path that leads to this creation.

This is how the bracelet has earned its name: A Little Chaos. And it’s beautiful!

McCaul Jewelry, from Dublin to London


McCaul earrings

Two Dublin brothers moved to London and opened their own jewelry store. Both skilled goldsmiths and both passionate about creating jewelry that, as they call it; accentuates the contours and curves of the body. Contemporary jewelry with a very classic look at the same time. It is obvious they master their craft and create bold, elegant, classic, yet contemporary jewelry. They love to do bespoke jewelry, so for all those in London who would love to meet the sympathetic brothers, check out their collection or see if you can create something especially made for you: do visit them!

McCaul Jewelry Brothers

David and Barry McCaul


What I like about McCaul 

What I like about this company is perhaps the story behind it. Two brothers doing the same thing, taking their passion a step further and opening a store. I know how daunting it can be to open a store! In London, there is no lack of great brands or niche designers, yet in the middle of all that, they opened their store and they just went for it. The jewelry, in my eyes, is well made, warm, with enough flow and charm to create that bridge between the more South European warmth and love for curves and the North European style for smooth, square, clean, crisp design.


McCaul Rings

Ps. I LOVE their earrings!

Utopia pearl Jewelry

Utopia is part of GAIA Spa and has been in business for over 60 years. Utopia today is known for the use of South Sea pearls in jewelry. I would say that they are one of the finest Italian brands working with pearls today.


Anna Gaia, CEO of Utopia today

Their jewelry has Italy written all over it and yet no one can really describe what that actually means. But allow me to try a little: Italian design means warmth, sensual, perfection in the details, craftsmanship values, classic, often almost sexy, colorful, expressive and non-apologetic in any way.

Utopia Stardust CollectionJewelryPearl

Utopia Stardust collection, pearl jewelry

Utopia ticks many of those boxes. The jewelry is never too ‘’heavy’’ on using diamonds, or making the jewelry ‘’ too important ‘’ for most people. Many of the pieces are very wearable for most women during their daily life. Although, I can’t say this enough, never ever wear them doing chores around the house, as the pearl is so delicate! And can’t really be restored.

Utopia Anniversary Parure Pearl Jewelry

The Utopia Anniversary Parure



''Italian design means warmth, sensual, perfection in the details, craftsmanship values, classic, often almost sexy, colorful, expressive and non-apologetic in any way''

Utopia emailed me their latest pieces with the invitation to come and visit them again at the trade show VicenzaOro. I couldn’t go, but loved the jewelry! And wanted to share it with you. Hope you loved the featured brands! Which one did charm you most?


Utopia Aqua Collection

Utopia Aqua Collection


Utopia Caviar Set...

Comments (3)

  • Vivek Nathany

    Vivek Nathany

    • 03 October 2017 at 08:40
    • #

    Thank you to tells us about all these wonderful jewelry brands, but i know one more amazing semiprecious sterling jewelry brand The V Collection - www.thevcollection.com ||
    The V Collection Jewelry and these Accessories are sold in USA and Europe in high end stores like Sak’s Fifth Avenue, Macy’s, Nordstrom, High End Boutiques etc.


  • dexterity


    • 23 November 2017 at 13:22
    • #

    this is unique collection jewelry brandsof ! Thanks for sharing !


    • Esther Ligthart

      Esther Ligthart

      • 23 November 2017 at 13:33
      • #

      :-) Thanks!


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