Jewelry and Ethics, the newest special report

The jewelry industry knows that ethics and sustainability, showing the sources and becoming as transparant as possible are essential for the future of the industry.


cibjo ethic

Although it may be true that most of the clients might not ask specifically about the source of the gemstones or gold, when buying jewelry, it will become more and more important to a larger audience and the industry has to be prepared for that. There are steps taken on very different levels, the latest being from the CIBJO, the World Jewellery Organisation.


What is the CIBJO.


The arrival of the huge Millennial generation, a topic I have covered in several magazines and workshops this year, is a challenge to the jewelry industry. It needs to find a new way and a better way to communicate with its -future- clients. Integrity, sustainibility, doing good, personal and authentic, these are all things, amongst others, that are becoming so very important. The jewelry industry is not always the fastest to respond to changes, but although much slower than I and many would like to see, changes are definitely coming. 

To share some insight with you, here is the latest report about ethics from the CIBJO : PDF Special Report Ethics Commission

Soon on Bizzita:

*Rebecca Koven, a very unique designer

*The biggest trends for the season

*Millennials, what you need to know about them for your brand or jewelry store



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