Vegetable jewelry…so yumm!

Are you loving your veggies as much as you ought to? Well, if not, you are joined by a large group of people. But there is a lot of interest again in vegetables in our quest to eat healthier and live longer. The beauty of vegetables has not escaped to the eye of the artists and designers. Come and check out some gorgeous healthy jewelry!


Hemmerle carrot earrings, Lorenz Baumer Leek Brooch, Jar and Lorenz Baumer did both make a leek brooch. Stunning fruity heart by Verdura ( which is Italian for vegetable!)


Jewelry by Ottolenghi 

Ottolenghi has brought vegetables back to the table in my own household. Although I think I eat very healthy, keeping a food diary not only revealed I eat not enough ( and I am not thin) but also that the amount of vegetables is a lot lower than I would like to confess.


One can almost taste the sweetness of this tasty little strawberry: Jar , the other little fragola is also by Jar. The eggplant is by Hemmerle

Painted veggies

Vegetables and fruits are a huge inspiration in art. And what inspires artists like painters and sculptors, inspires designers of jewelry too. In fact, you will find a lot of fruit jewelry out there and some fantastic vegetables too.


Jar jewelry, bracelet by De Grisogono, Yummy piece of melon by De Grisogono, bracelet by Heidi Daus (300 dollar) and pendant by Louis Vuitton

Hemmerle has a fantastic range of vegetable jewelry

Some brands like Hemmerle and Jewelry Theatre do real series of this subject. Others make the occasional brooch.


The Veggie club, broccoli pendant by Etsy, carrot earrings by the Crystal Tree, pea earrings by MemoryVendor , peppers and garlic, so Sicilian! Dolce & Gabbana, Vilt earrings by Flos Caeli. All but D & G are available on Etsy.

Love nature

I am in love with nature and I always liked paintings that resembled reality more than just colors and strokes that reflect more of a mood.



Feed your soul with beauty

Nature feeds us. Nature nurtures us. Either through our mouths, our eyes or feeding our souls with its beauty.


The Jewelry Theatre and the piece on the crystal is by Verdura



The leaf is by Verdura and all the rest is by Hemmerle



More of Hemmerle...I love books...I want thát book! :-)



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